Amazon Rainforest

The superlatives never stop when describing the Amazon. The largest river in the world by volume; the widest river; the largest watershed on the planet. It discharges over 3,000 times more water than the River Thames. It’s home to a zillion insect species and over 1,500 bird species.

The region’s importance has only grown over time as we have become increasingly aware of the key role tropical forests play in our planet’s ecosystem. There is no doubt these green mansions will continue to reveal new secrets, continue to contribute to the planet’s well-being for centuries to come.

Deciding to explore this huge region can be daunting. Where to start? How best to plan?

Ecuador’s share of the Amazon might be small, but it’s nevertheless hugely biodiverse, and more importantly, easily accessible. You can take a flight from Quito in the morning and be swinging in your jungle lodge’s hammock by lunch-time. Once in the heart of the Amazon, your guides will accompany you on walking trails through the forest, on paddles through creeks, up canopy towers for stunning views and great birdwatching, and on night-time walks on winding trails or expeditions in canoes to spot caiman along the banks. The days start early to make the most of the dawn activity in the forest, while a siesta after lunch is a must.

Ecuador has been a pioneer in ecotourism since the 1990s and has developed some first-class lodges, some of them community run, as well as boats that ply the waters of the River Napo. We work with the best companies and will be glad to guide you to the one that suits your travel style perfectly.

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